One of the things I lament most about the syllabus is the lack of human anatomy incorporated into classes. It is perfectly possible to do both GCSE and A-level biology without mentioning any reproductive kit save for the ovaries and testes. Is it any wonder, therefore, that standards of anatomical drawing have dropped?
I was alerted, by my father of all people, to the highly amusing prank played by some of the young gentlemen (for it is only ever young gentlemen) at Fairfield College in New Zealand. Now, I would never condone the use of weedkiller as a means of playing such pranks - how about sowing some brightly coloured flower seeds instead?

In any case, as I have done with my own students upon discovering their CDCs (crudely drawn cocks), I must take to task these lads, not only for dubious anatomy (what on earth is going on in with the one in the very bottom of the screen?), but also for failure to grasp how to truly draw a CDC.

Now, now, boys. To properly draw a CDC, the meatus should connect entirely with the corona. This half-arsed job is simply not good enough. As defined by B3ta, it should also have precisely "three pubes per bollock". You have drawn no hairs at all. A CDC should also, ideally, be ejaculating. You can show this by drawing a curved dashed line from the external urethral orifice out in the direction of your choice.

Please consider the above to be the model diagram to use for next time. If you can arrange for it to be done in magenta, then even better - perhaps investigate the use of bright pink flower seeds? My students all know how to draw proper CDCs, so I feel it's only right that I should pass on the art to others who are not fortunate enough to have me teaching them biology.
I was alerted, by my father of all people, to the highly amusing prank played by some of the young gentlemen (for it is only ever young gentlemen) at Fairfield College in New Zealand. Now, I would never condone the use of weedkiller as a means of playing such pranks - how about sowing some brightly coloured flower seeds instead?

In any case, as I have done with my own students upon discovering their CDCs (crudely drawn cocks), I must take to task these lads, not only for dubious anatomy (what on earth is going on in with the one in the very bottom of the screen?), but also for failure to grasp how to truly draw a CDC.

Now, now, boys. To properly draw a CDC, the meatus should connect entirely with the corona. This half-arsed job is simply not good enough. As defined by B3ta, it should also have precisely "three pubes per bollock". You have drawn no hairs at all. A CDC should also, ideally, be ejaculating. You can show this by drawing a curved dashed line from the external urethral orifice out in the direction of your choice.

Please consider the above to be the model diagram to use for next time. If you can arrange for it to be done in magenta, then even better - perhaps investigate the use of bright pink flower seeds? My students all know how to draw proper CDCs, so I feel it's only right that I should pass on the art to others who are not fortunate enough to have me teaching them biology.
ReplyDeleteI have it on good authority that three weeks before one of the senior US politicians visited Monash University in the 1960s, some students put "No pedigrees for pigs" in fertiliser on the oval. My father-in-law was the driver of the getaway car.
Brilliant. My father once spiked a student's drink with methylene blue, with hilarious toilet-related results. It would never be allowed now.